Blinky Buildings
Blinky Buildings is an open source hardware design found in the book Building Open Source Hardware. The source repository can be found here.
Stop and Go Kit
Stop and Go is an open source hardware kit with novelty brick shaped LEDs. The source repository can be found here.

Matrix Kit
Matrix Kit is an open source hardware kit with novelty brick shaped LEDs. The source repository can be found here.

Build Upons
Build Upons were light up bricks compatible with LEGO. Power bricks and Bridge bricks help the electricity get to where the LED brick is placed in your design. The Build Upons source can be found here.
Open Source Hardware Kits

Though Lunchbox Electronics no longer sells items, we have the source for our past projects and products here, so you can make them (or sell them!) yourselves. Just remember to give attribution and license them properly.